
Roll a 55 g ball of brown 50/50 FP/MP mix* (10). Form an egg shape (11).

*You don’t have to use the same type of paste as me. The 50/50 FP/MP mix is a 1:1 mix of flower paste (gum paste) and modelling paste. Take similar size pieces and mix them together.

I used Squires Kitchen flower paste and Saracino modelling paste. I don’t get paid for mentioning names of brands on my website.

If you use plain flower paste you might get cracks during creating the top edge of the head (flower paste dries out fast). You can use plain modelling paste, but it will take longer for it to get firm.

Whichever type of paste you decide to use, make sure that both the body and the head are completely dry before you attach the head, otherwise the cake topper will sink.

If you need help with matching the colours, go through the ‘Learn how to mix colours’ tutorial.

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